Moving Tips

Countdown to a hassle-free move
It’s never too soon to start planning. Start doing small stuff a couple of months before you move. If you continue to do a little bit every week, you’ll be surprised at how smoothly everything will go when moving day arrives.
Eight weeks before
- Contact your mover to make arrangements.
- Remove items from your attic, basement, storage shed, etc.
- Start to use up frozen foods and cleaning supplies.
- If you’re moving to a new city, contact the Chamber of Commerce or tourism bureau in your new community for area info.
Six weeks before
- If you’re moving at an employer’s request, verify what expenses and responsibilities are theirs and which are yours.
- Contact your accountant to find out if any moving expenses are tax deductible.
- Start an inventory of your stuff. What haven’t you used in the last year? What can be sold or donated?
- Make a list of everyone you need to notify about your move: friends, professionals, creditors, magazine subscriptions, etc.
- Make arrangements for storage, if you’re planning to store anything.
- Ask schools, doctors, dentists, lawyers and accountants for copies of your personal records. Get referrals.
Four weeks before
- Get a change of address kit from the post office.
- Contact utility and related companies for service disconnect/connect at both your old and new addresses.
- Contact your insurance company to arrange for coverage in your new home.
- Buy packing boxes and pack items that you won’t be needing in the next month.
- Have a garage sale or donate unneeded items to charity.
Three weeks before
- Make travel arrangements and reservations.
- Collect important papers (insurance, will, deeds, stock, etc.).
- Arrange to close accounts in your local bank and open accounts in your new city.
Two weeks before
- Have your car checked and serviced for the trip.
- If you’re moving out of or into an apartment or condo, contact building management to book an elevator.
- Contact your moving consultant to review and confirm all arrangements for your move.
One week before
- Settle any outstanding bills with local merchants.
- Don’t forget to withdraw the contents of your safety deposit box, pick up dry cleaning, return library books and movie rentals, etc.
- Drain gas and oil from power equipment (lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc.)
Two to three days before
- Defrost your freezer and refrigerator. Block doors open so they can’t accidentally close on pets or children.
- Have your major appliances disconnected and prepared for the move.
- Pack a box of personal items that you’ll need right away at your new home. Load it last or put it in your car.
- Call to confirm the arrival time of the moving van.
Moving day
- Make sure that someone is at home for any inquiries the van operator may have with respect to your shipment.
- Record all utility meter readings (gas, electric, water).
- Read your inventory and bill of lading carefully before you sign them. Keep these in a safe location until all charges have been paid and all claims, if any, have been settled.