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As we navigate our way through this summer, many of us are likely spending more of this season at our homes than usual. While relaxing outdoors can be a great way to spend your time, you might find that you are running into bug issues. Unfortunately, nice weather usually means an increase in pesky bug activities. Here are 5 simple ways to make sure you can enjoy your space outside and make your home a bug-free zone.

Get rid of any standing water.

Make sure you clean out gutters and downspouts regularly. While you may be aware that stagnant water attracts bugs, you may not realize those gutters can trap water and become a mosquito breeding ground. You should keep kiddie pools and watering cans empty when not in use.

Add plants that bugs hate.

Mint and citrus plants are your best bet to battling bugs you may not want around. Here are some pest-repelling plants and the bugs that hate them: Some of the best additions to your garden to keep bugs out are: basil, catnip, citronella, lemon thyme, lavender, marigold, rosemary.

Keep a tidy yard.

Bugs, especially ticks, love to hide in tall grass. Make sure you are mowing your lawn regularly and making sure plants aren’t crowding your home or giving bugs easy access inside.

Don’t mulch too much (or too close)!

Mulch generates heat as it decomposes, so it gives cockroaches and ants an ideal environment to nest and end up inside your home. Try to keep mulch areas a foot or so from your home’s foundation or consider inorganic mulch options.

Install patio fans.

An easy way to get rid of mosquitos is to add a patio fan to your outdoor space. Their bites are a pain, but they don’t put up much of a defense when they are pushed away by outdoor fans.


Heat Wave Hacks to Keep You Cool

Top tips to keep cool in hot weather

Heatwaves are happening around the world. And climate change means they're getting hotter and longer. Here's how to stay cool in the heat.

1. Be sun smart

It's best to avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day, but sometimes that can't be avoided. When out in direct sunlight remember:

  • Wear (and regularly reapply) sunscreen.
  • Cover your head with a hat.
  • Take regular breaks indoors or in a shady area to avoid getting heat exhaustion or heatstroke.
  • Wearing light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing will also help you to stay cool.

2. Wetter is better

Heat escapes through the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. So, the more skin you can cool down, the better. 

There are various methods for how to cool your skin down in baking hot weather:
  • Drenching a t-shirt and keeping it wet can be very effective.
  • Buy cooling spray.
  • Having a cool shower - not freezing as you should cool down slowly.
  •  You can quickly cool yourself down by putting your hands and feet in cold water. Wrists and ankles have lots of pulse points where blood vessels are close to the skin, so you will cool down more quickly
3. Drink plenty of water

In hot weather, it's important to avoid caffeine and make sure you're drinking lots of water. If possible, drink isotonic sports drinks to replenish the lost salts, sugars, and fluids.

Both cool and hot drinks will work to keep your core temperature at the same temperature. Consuming hot drinks will not cool you down more effectively than cold drinks. In the heat, you should avoid drinks containing caffeine, including tea and coffee, it's typically best to stick to water.

As you sweat throughout the day, the liquids you are losing need to be replaced to avoid dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration include:
  • a dry mouth
  • dizziness or confusion
  • headaches

4. Limit your alcohol

The sun is high, and so are many people's spirits. And that can lead us to the patios for a cold drink.

Unfortunately, mixing too much sun with a few too many drinks is not a good combination.

Alcohol causes dehydration, which can hit especially hard if your body is already struggling to stay cool in the summer. Drinking alcohol can also make it harder to get a good night's sleep, something that's already difficult in warmer temperatures.

While you may fall asleep quickly, you're likely to have poor-quality sleep and wake up earlier than usual - not exactly the refreshing sleep you'll need.

5. Eat light meals to feel cooler

When it's hot, you are far better off sticking to light, well-balanced, regular meals. Food with a high water content like strawberries, cucumber, celery, and lettuce, will also help to keep you hydrated and cool in summer weather.

You can also try foods with high fluid content like soups and stews that contribute towards hydration levels. 

6. Limit physical activity to cooler parts of the day

It's important not to disrupt your routine too much because of hot weather, but sometimes you may have to. An early morning run may feel punishing when you're nice and sleepy in bed, but it could be dangerous to exercise in the blazing midday sun and risk dehydration, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke.

Take the temperature into consideration when planning your day and, if you can, limit physical activity to when it's cooler. If you do decide to workout or play sport, make sure to drink lots of water and take more breaks than usual to make sure you're not putting any extra stress on your body.

You should also make sure you take a cold shower after exercising to cool down and follow our other advice for staying cool throughout the day.

 7. Keep your home cool

During the hot weather, it’s important to make your home a place you can escape to out of the heat, so keeping it cool is key to feeling comfortable. When temperatures reach heatwave levels this can be more challenging than you may realise and it's not as easy as just opening a window. During the day draw the blinds to ensure extra heat does not get trapped in your home.

Keeping your house cool is especially important at night. During a heatwave temperatures often stay high even at night making it difficult to get a good night's sleep. 



10 Favorite Dad Jokes in Honor of Father's Day

However you choose to celebrate the fathers and father figures in your life, here are 10 Dad Jokes to make you chuckle.

  1. What kind of shoes do frogs wear? Open toad.
  2. Did you hear about the red and blue ships that collided? All the sailors were marooned.
  3. My neighbor gave me a new roof for free. He said it was on the house.
  4. Did you hear about the teenager who failed his driving test? He thought it was a crash course.
  5. Where do surfers learn to surf? At boarding school.
  6. A duck walks into a bar and buys everyone a round. He tells the bartender, “Put it on my bill.”
  7. Where do fish keep their money? In a river bank.
  8. How did Vikings communicate with one another? By Norse code.
  9. Why did Marie Curie stop dating that guy? There was no chemistry.
  10. Did you hear about the nurse who didn’t want to become a doctor? She didn’t have the patients.

Sellers: Don't Let These Two Things Hold You Back

When it comes to selling a home, it's natural to have some concerns or hesitations. However, it's crucial not to let these things hold you back from taking advantage of a potentially profitable opportunity. In this blog post, we'll discuss two common concerns for sellers and provide insights on how to overcome them.

Fear of Market Conditions: One common concern for sellers is the fear of market conditions. You might worry that it's not the right time to sell, or you might be uncertain about the demand for your particular property. While market conditions do play a role, it's important to remember that there are always buyers in the market, regardless of the overall conditions. Instead of focusing on the broader market, consult with a real estate professional who can provide insights into the local market conditions and guide you on the best strategy for selling your home.

Emotional Attachment to the Home: Another obstacle for sellers is the emotional attachment to their home. It's natural to have sentimental value attached to the place where you've created memories and built a life. However, it's essential to separate emotions from the selling process. Remember that selling a home is a business transaction, and your goal is to achieve the best possible outcome. To overcome this hurdle, focus on the future and the opportunities that await you in your next chapter. Keep in mind that by selling your home, you're opening doors to new experiences and possibilities.

Tips to Overcome These Concerns:

Educate Yourself: Research the local market conditions, recent sales in your area, and consult with a real estate agent who can provide you with accurate information and data-driven insights.

Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that the real estate market fluctuates, and the selling process can take time. Set realistic expectations in terms of pricing, timeline, and the overall selling experience.

Work with a Professional: Hire a reputable real estate agent who has experience in your local market. They can provide guidance, market your home effectively, negotiate on your behalf, and help you navigate any obstacles that may arise.

Depersonalize and Stage: To overcome emotional attachment, consider depersonalizing your home by removing personal items and photographs. Additionally, stage your home to showcase its potential and appeal to a wide range of buyers.

Bottom Line
Don't let fear of market conditions or emotional attachment hold you back from selling your home. By understanding the local market, setting realistic expectations, working with a professional, and depersonalizing your space, you can overcome these concerns and take advantage of the opportunities that selling your home can bring. Remember, selling a home is a strategic decision that can lead to new beginnings and exciting possibilities.

Remember to customize the content to fit your target audience and add any additional information or local insights that may be relevant.


7 ways to get your offer accepted

Are you in the market to buy a home? Then you're in the right place here.

Finding your dream home isn't always a walk in the park. Once you find it, you want to be sure your offer is persuasive for the Seller to accept.

When it's a seller's market, there can be multiple offers for each property. Make yours stand out the most by doing these 8 things.

1) Present a clear written offer. Be specific on the price and terms and don't leave any blank areas on the contract.

2) Offer a competitive purchase price. Give the Seller what they want + more.

3) Put forth a substantial amount of earnest money (escrow) deposit. This will show the Seller you're a serious Buyer because you're willing to put more "skin in the game".

4) If you can, offer to purchase with cash. Cash offers do not have a
financing contingency and are attractive Sellers.

5) Consider borrowing less and put more money down on the loan. This will show the Seller that your loan is less of a risk to the lender.

6) Avoid asking for personal property or anything that is not already included in the home sale. This could offend the Seller.

7) Add an escalation clause in the offer contract. This clause allows you to increase your suggested purchase price in order to avoid getting outbid.



Even if the weather isn’t cooperating quite yet - spring is here! Cheering up your home with some spring decor is the perfect way to prepare for warmer days and more sunshine. Here are some options to prepare your home for the next season!


While they may not last outdoors with the sporadic weather of spring, bringing potted herbs into your home and letting them soak up sunlight in a kitchen window is the perfect way to add life to your home and have access to fresh herbs while you’re cooking. 


If you are all about DIY-ing, creating simple decorations can add a pop of seasonal color to your home. Take that pair of rain boots you don’t wear anymore and turn them into planters - add bright floral arrangements and use your new decor item as an inviting piece by your front door.


Neutral and sleek is all the rage right now, but adding a pop of color in your normal decor can add a cheerful touch to your home. Swap out your kitchen napkins or tablecloth with something a little bit more colorful, like soft blues or pinks. Small changes can do enough to make your home feel different without being overwhelming.


Whether or not you already include florals in your home decor, take the time to swap out or add something new that feels like spring. While fresh flowers are a great choice, consider picking up some faux florals for the majority of your decor and saving the fresh flowers for a centerpiece. Don’t be afraid to add pops of color, specifically yellows and pinks, to create a focal point for the room. 


Is there a room in your home that is just feeling drab? Maybe it is dark and uninviting, or maybe it has white walls that have started to fade. While you are spring cleaning, consider adding a fresh coat of paint to a place in your home that needs a boost of light. Spring is all about being fresh and new, so your home should feel that way too!


5 Home Projects You Should Consider Outsourcing

We live in a DIY world. If there is a video online for how to do something, there’s a good chance you can figure out how to do it. While saving money by doing certain projects yourself can be rewarding in many different ways, there are some projects that should be left to the professionals. Unless you have training in specific fields, these 5 things usually require a professional contractor:

Electrical Wiring

Without any electrical experience, you run the risk of causing damage to both yourself and your entire electrical system. Even if you do shut off the power before messing with any wiring, there can still be many issues that arise afterwards - including electrical fire. Avoid the danger and call an electrician!

Wall Removal

Knocking down a wall can sound like a fun idea. Even if you were getting excited to release any anger on that wall in your home, this is a time when it is best to call a professional. Walls are a key component in maintaining the integrity of your home and it’s structure. If you accidentally knock down a load-bearing wall, you could cause catastrophic damage.  

Foundation Alteration

The name of the structure itself should already make you proceed with caution. Your foundation is the most integral part of your home, and messing with it without experience could land you in a very tough spot.


While some flooring can easily be done alone, some of the bigger projects should be left to the professionals. If leveling the floor is part of the project, it may be time to call someone in. Having a floor that isn’t level can cause you headaches for years to come.


Just like electrical projects, plumbing projects can be extremely complicated. When not done correctly, you can end up with burst pipes, flooding, and interior water damage. Save the stress and call a plumber!


May is for Mother's Day

12 quirky fact about celebrating mothers

Mother's Day is a wonderful tradition that goes back over a hundred years. If we are honest, we should celebrate mothers and mother figures every day of the year, not just on Mother’s Day, for all they juggle and do for their families. 

If you are after a creative way to show her how much you care, why not share some quirky and fun facts about Mother’s Day. 


The first and easiest sound a baby can vocalise is the ‘ma’ sound. Consequently, in almost every language, the word for mother begins with the letter ‘M’ and is some version of the ‘ma’ sound. For example, Mother is ‘Mère’ in French, ‘Mutter’ in German, ‘Madre’ in Italian, ‘Maa’ in Hindi and ‘Matka’ in Polish.


While the date changes each year, the timing stays the same – we celebrate this holiday yearly on the second Sunday of May. This year Mother’s Day will be on May 12th


Mother’s Day is the most popular day to place phone calls across the world, registering more calling traffic than any other holiday, including New Year’s and Valentine’s Day.


Around a quarter of Canadians will be purchasing gifts for people who aren’t their birth mother, including mothers-in-law, wives or partners and other family members. Similarly, some opt to celebrate those women who have been mother figures to them in their lives. More love for mums to go around!


Festivals honouring mothers and mother goddesses date back to ancient times. Many cultures celebrated the 'Mother' energy inherent in all things. The Phrygians celebrated a festival for Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods, as did the Greeks for the goddess Rhea. The Romans adapted the practise for their own cluture.


Some countries continue to observe ancient festivals. For example, people continue to celebrate Durga-puja in India, honouring the goddess Durga. This is a 1- day festival taking place around September or October and remains an important festival in India.


During and following the US Civil War, Ann Jarvis made a dedicated effort to foster community and friendship between mothers on both sides of the civil war. In 1868 she started a committee that established the first glimmer of today’s holiday: “Mother’s Friendship Day.”


Anna Reeves Jarvis wanted to honour her own mother. So she established an intimate day of observance and formed the foundation of today’s holiday with the very first Mother’s Day celebrated in 1908.


Anna Jarvis had created the Mother’s Day International Association aiming to streamline the day of observance to the second Sunday in May. US president Woodrow Wilson consequently legitimised the celebration as a nationwide holiday in the USA in 1914.


Reasonably quickly, Mother’s Day became a commercial opportunity for retailers to sell flowers, chocolates, and cards. Meanwhile, Anna Reeves Jarvis felt that this was detracting from the original idea of a personal and intimate celebration of mothers. She defied this by starting walkouts and boycotts and even expressed her condemnation of first lady Eleanor Roosevelt for using this day as a means of fundraising. Jarvis eventually used all her money on this fight and died in a sanatorium at the age of 84.


Anna Reeves Jarvis used the carnation flowers on Mother’s Day to show whether one’s mother was still living. A red carnation showed she was, and a white meant she had passed.


Flowers have long been a unique way of letting the recipient know how important a role they play in the sender’s life and communicate how they might feel towards them. Certainly, this is true on Mother’s Day. Further, substantial research demonstrates that giving a bouquet of flowers also holds many positive health and psychological benefits.

And lastly, in countries around the world people celebrate the day at entirely different times of the year. Many different traditions are attached to this day too. For example, In Thailand, on Mother’s Day, many mothers day parades  take place, and the Jasmine flower is the flower most commonly gifted to moms. In Serbia, mother's are tied up with ribbon or rope until they give sweets and gifts to their children – quite the opposite of our Mother’s Day traditions!

How ever you celebrate, it's a interesting tradition that spans cultures and centuries.



Why Your House Didn’t Sell

If your listing expired and your house didn’t sell, you’re likely feeling a little frustrated. Not to mention, you're also probably wondering what went wrong.

Here are three questions to think about as you figure out what to do next.

Did You Limit Access to Your House?
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when selling your house is restricting the days and times when potential buyers can tour it. Being flexible with your schedule is important when you're selling your house, even though it might feel a bit stressful to drop everything and leave when buyers want to see it. After all, minimal access means minimal exposure to buyers. Do your best to be as flexible as possible when granting access to your house for showings.

Sometimes, the most determined buyers might come from far away. Since they're traveling to see your house, they may not be able to change their plans easily if you only offer limited times for showings. So, try to make your house available as much as you can to accommodate them. It’s simple. If no one’s able to look at it, how’s it going to sell?

Did You Make Your House Stand Out?
When selling your house, the old saying matters: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Putting in the work to make the exterior of your home look nice is just as important as how you stage it inside. Freshen up your landscaping to improve your home’s curb appeal so you can make an impact upfront. After all, if people drive by, but aren’t interested enough to walk through the front door, you’ll never sell your house.

But don’t let that impact stop at the front door. By removing personal items and reducing clutter inside, you give buyers more freedom to picture themselves in the home. Additionally, a new coat of paint or cleaning the floors can go a long way to freshening up a room.

Did You Price Your House Compellingly?
Setting the right price is extremely important when you're selling your house. Even though it might feel tempting to push the price higher to maximize your profit, overpricing can scare away buyers and make it hard to sell quickly. The biggest mistake sellers make is overpricing their home.

If your house is priced higher than others like it, it could make buyers lose interest. Pay attention to the feedback people give your agent during open houses and showings. If lots of people are saying the same thing, it might be a good idea to think about lowering the price.

For all these insights and more, rely on a trusted real estate agent. A great agent will offer expert advice on relisting your house with effective strategies to get it sold.

Bottom Line
It’s natural to feel disappointed when your listing has expired and your house didn’t sell. Let’s connect to figure out what happened and what to reconsider or change if you want to get your house back on the market.


Why Should You Stage Your Home To Sell?

In order to be competitive in the real estate market, you may have to take steps to set your home apart from others.

It won't be enough to just put out a for-sale sign and wait for potential buyers. One way that homeowners can sell their homes more speedily is by home staging, which can have the added benefit of pushing up the selling price of your home.

Basically, staging consists of arranging your home's décor and furniture in such a way as to make the home have more of an appeal to prospective buyers.

In some cases, home staging can be a relatively simple and inexpensive undertaking. You may be comfortable with just cleaning up your home and removing all day-to-day items, or personal family photos. On the other hand, you may want to consider investing a more substantial amount of time and money into your home staging project.

The main benefit of investing in landscaping, painting and new furniture is that a potential buyer will come away from a visit to your home with a better idea of how his or her new home will look.

Home staging has been around since the 1970s. Although it began on the West Coast of the United States, the concept eventually spread to the rest of the country. There's more to home staging than just decorating.

The general idea behind home staging is to depersonalize your home so that a prospective buyer will be able to imagine him or herself living in it. By removing piles of newspapers and family photos, you'll be able to increase your home's appeal.

Another tip is to choose neutral colors for your home's carpet and paint. If it's within your budget, you'll also want to think about buying new appliances. Although many people do a good job of staging their own homes, you can also hire a professional to do the job for you.

If you have any questions about marketing your home and showing it off the best advantage, I'm happy to help!



4 Plants For Your Garden

Add Instant Curb Appeal When Selling Your Home

Are you looking to sell your home soon? Good curb appeal creates a strong first impression and creates an inviting entrance for your showings. setting a promising tone for the rest of their home tour.

When you upgrade your landscaping with shrubs for the front of the house and add pops of colour with flowers is a cost-effective way to improve the looks of your place and can be easily achieved in a weekend!

1. Barberry
An eye-catching shrub that comes in a variety of shades, they are an extremely low maintenance option — so you won't need to keep too close an eye on it. 

  • Deciduous
  • Zones 4 to 9
  • Reaches 4 x 1.5 feet when mature
2. Towering Emerald Cedar
This shrub's vibrant green foliage complement major curb accents such as mailboxes, borders, flower beds, and more, and since it's disease-resistant it retains its color, even in winter.
  • Evergreen
  • Zones 3 to 8
  • Reaches 15 x 4 feet when mature
3. Arrowwood
With pretty white flowers this easy-to-grow shrub performs best in well draining soils with medium moisture. The plant likes full sun or partial shade and should be watered weekly.
  • Deciduous
  • Zones 7 to 11
  • Reaches 4 x 6 feet when mature
​4. Forsythia
Often called a harbinger of spring, forsythia bursts into a vibrant display of bright yellow blooms before any of its foliage emerges. It needs a large area to grow and can be cut back to maintain desired height. 
  • Deciduous
  • zone 4-9
  • reaches 8 feet high and 12 feet wide 


Invest in Yourself by Owning a Home

Investing in yourself by owning a home can bring numerous benefits and opportunities. Here are some reasons why owning a home can be a wise investment:

Building equity: When you own a home, you are building equity as you pay down your mortgage. Equity is the difference between the value of your home and the amount you owe on your mortgage. Over time, as your home's value appreciates and you continue to make mortgage payments, your equity increases. This can provide financial stability and serve as a long-term asset.

Potential for appreciation: Historically, real estate has shown a tendency to appreciate in value over time. While there are no guarantees, owning a home can offer the potential for your property to increase in value. This can result in significant returns on your investment if you decide to sell in the future.

Stability and control: Owning a home provides stability and a sense of control over your living situation. Unlike renting, where landlords can increase rent or decide not to renew your lease, owning a home gives you the freedom to create a living space that suits your needs. You have the power to make improvements, decorate, and personalize your home to your liking.

Forced savings: Paying a mortgage is a form of forced savings. Each monthly payment goes toward building equity and paying off your loan balance. This can be an effective way to accumulate wealth over time, as opposed to renting where your monthly payments go solely towards your landlord's income.

Potential rental income: Homeownership can also present opportunities for generating rental income. If you have extra space or decide to move but want to hold onto your property, you can rent it out and earn passive income. This can be a valuable source of additional cash flow and a way to diversify your investment portfolio.

It's important to note that homeownership also comes with responsibilities, including maintenance costs and potential market fluctuations.

It's crucial to carefully consider your financial situation, long-term goals, and the real estate market in your area before deciding to invest in a home.

Consulting with a real estate professional or financial advisor can help you make an informed decision.



Homeownership has plenty of perks. You can make changes whenever you want, but that also means you are responsible for making any fixes that you want (or need)! Instead of calling the local handyman every time something small goes awry, you can try out these quick fixes for common bathroom issues that arise while saving yourself some money along the way.

1. Shifting Toilet Seat

Is your toilet seat wobbling every time you sit down? Sometimes, there are visible bolts to tighten, but that just doesn't fix the issue. Many are unaware that you can actually purchase a toilet seat tightening kit. Most home improvement stores will carry an inexpensive kit, usually around $10. Rather than investing in a new toilet seat, you can save time and money by picking up a kit the next time you're out.

2. Slippery Shower

There are two main options to remedy a slippery shower. If you have a geriatric family member, a shower chair may be the best option to provide security. These chairs can be as affordable as $20 and can offer peace of mind when it comes to the safety of your loved ones. If chairs aren't for you, a non-slip bath mat will keep you from falling in the shower and cost as much as a few coffees.

3. Clogged Shower Head

Do you normally have great water pressure, but now your shower feels like a slow leak? Your shower head is likely clogged from a build up of minerals in your water. Instead of calling the plumber or heading to the store to buy toxic chemicals, you can use ingredients already in your home to fix your problem. All you need to do is fill a sandwich bag halfway full with white vinegar, submerge the shower head into the vinegar in the bag, and tie the bag to the piping and allow the head to soak overnight. When you remove the bag, you should wipe the head to remove any excess and then your shower should be back to normal pressure.

4. Slow Drain

Before calling a professional, consider trying a Zip-It tool. You can find one at your local hardware store for around $5, but you have to be willing to deal with a little bit of gunk. The tool is placed in the drain and pulls out whatever is clogging it, usually hair and soap. If you can get past that, you'll save yourself the price of a plumber.

5. Leaking Water Valve

Instead of heading to the store for a replacement water supply valve, try tightening the packing nut on the valve. A quick video search online will show you which nut to tighten, and it will only take a few minutes. Now you've saved time and money!

While these are easy fixes to do yourself, selling your home isn't nearly as easy to DIY. Call me today if you are ready to put your home on the market!


5 Painting Mistakes to Avoid

DIY interior painting can be a money-saver if you know what you’re doing. While saving a few dollars is definitely worth trying out painting yourself, it is important to avoid mistakes often made in the process. Here is how to avoid them!

Mistake #1: Not Using The Correct Applicator

If you are willing to pay for premium paint, you should be willing to invest in a good applicator. Invest in good brushes or rollers up front to avoid hair on the wall or lumps of roller lint under the paint.

Mistake #2: Not Preparing Correctly

You always want to do repair work first so that your walls are smooth, clean, dry and free of loose debris before you begin painting. A repair will be much less obvious if it is done before a new coat of paint!

Mistake #3: Overextending Your Brush Dips

One of the most frequently made mistakes by DIYers is that they often continue applying a dip of paint until the brush or roller is dry. When you overextend each dip, the paint can dry in the brush bristles, and the fabric on rollers can mat down. You want to maintain a smooth line of paint. Once you can see the paint starting to break up, it’s time to re-dip.

Mistake #4: Breath Interference

Your breathe when painting can impact the steadiness of your hand. When cutting in near edges or other times when you need to be precise, you should hold your breath or breathe out to limit your movement as much as possible.

Mistake #5: Allowing Paint To Dry Out

Touch-ups are not ideal if your paint has dried out. To extend the life of water-based paint, place a piece of clear plastic wrap directly on the surface of the paint, then reseal the container. For oil-based paint, add about a half-inch of water on the surface before resealing.


What Is Earnest Money and Why Do I Need It?

If you’ve never been through the home-buying process, some of the terminology can seem a bit foreign. One of the many phrases you might come across is earnest money.

When making an offer on a home, it is often encouraged to include earnest money with that offer. Earnest money is a payment of 1-3% of the offer price that is intended to show the seller you are really interested in their property. The amount isn’t set in stone and it usually depends on the market. So how is that money used?

When you make it to closing, that earnest money will be directed towards any closing costs, down payments, or other items you would typically pay out of pocket. It is treated as a credit toward any expenses that come up in the process, and is in no way a bribe for the seller.

There are a few situations where your earnest money will be refunded if you don’t make it to close. This usually requires a stipulation or clause to be added to your offer, and those can vary. Financing not going through, the seller not being able to close, and an unacceptable home inspection are all reasons that if you are protected in your contract, you should receive your earnest money back. If you do decide to back out of the contract with no real reason other than changing your mind, the seller may be able to keep it.


5 Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for the Spring Market

Spring is the best time to sell your home; homes listed between mid-March and mid-April sell about 15% faster than any other time of year.

To attract buyers, you’ll want the house to be seen in the best possible light. So, if you’ve been toying with putting your home on the market or it’s been languishing without an offer, here aret 5 tips to help you get that SOLD sign.

1. Find the Right Real Estate Agent
A good real estate agent can be your partner through the complicated process of selling your home. They will market it appropriately, negotiate the best price on your behalf, and facilitate the more challenging parts of the sale to ensure things go smoothly. Do your research and ask friends, family or your lender for recommendations of agents in your area.

2. Spruce up Your Curb Appeal
The first, in-person impression any buyer will have of your home is from the curb, so start there. Hire a professional to power wash your house and driveway – or rent a machine to do it yourself. Add a sealant to the drive after it’s cleaned and dried to keep it looking refreshed and new. Are your shutters or mailbox looking a little tired? Cleaning and a fresh coat of paint can work wonders.

3. Prepare Your Yard
How does your lawn look after the cold, wintry months? If there are any brown patches, invest in some seed or sod to begin filling the areas that are thinning or need to be cut away. Don’t forget to pull weeds and trim bushes. If you’ve got bare spots or shabby-looking areas, try adding mulch or pine straw to fill in throughout the garden. Springtime is a season for renewal, so why not hit the garden store to choose some bright, beautiful flowers? Word is, yellow flowers help sell homes.

4. Spring Clean Everything
Your home needs to sparkle and shine to dazzle prospective buyers. They may not love that Little Mermaid bathroom, but they will certainly notice if it isn’t spic and span under the sink or in the tub area. Take some time to deep clean the bathrooms and kitchen, clean out the clutter from drawers, and add new shelf liner in the closets. Don’t forget to dust the blades of your ceiling fan and wipe down your appliances. Consider getting the whole house professionally cleaned, including the carpets. It’s always easier to maintain than it is to start from scratch.

5. Declutter and De-personalize
Clearing out some clutter may help buyers imagine themselves making your home their own – and make less for you to pack when your home sells. Removing refrigerator magnets, kid’s drawings and knickknacks can go a long way in helping to sell your home. Consider removing a piece (or two) of furniture from each room to open it up and show off its spaciousness. De-personalizing may also mean packing up family photos and choosing more generic artwork for the walls.

If you have any questions, or want some expert advice I'm always here to help!



Is It Time to Update Your Bathroom?

Just like your bedroom, your bathroom should be a relaxing place. Whether you unwind in the shower or with a hot bath, making sure your bathroom is a place of comfort and not stress is key to making your home a happier place. Because it is a room you will definitely spend time in every single day, these signs might indicate that it is time for some changes and some tips to help you do so.

1. Poor Lighting
You can consider investing in brighter bulbs and updating your light fixtures.

2. No Storage Space
You may want to install a larger vanity or additional shelving about the toilet

3. Outdated Paint Color
Updating your wall color with something more neutral, light, and timeless can help bring your bathroom back to life.

4. That ‘Bathroom’ Scent
Checking for mold, fixing any leaks, or adding ventilation can help relieve any scent you can’t seem to get rid of.

5. Leaks
Calling a plumber to make repairs is usually necessary if you have brown water stains.

6. Time to Sell
If you’re getting ready to sell, updating whatever needs updating will increase your home value.

If you're unsure, make sure to get in touch with an agent you trust and get a free assessment. 

As always, I'm here for all your real estate needs!


Owning Your Home Helps You Build Wealth

Owning a home is not only a place to live but also a powerful tool for building wealth. Here are some key points to cover in a blog highlighting the benefits of homeownership for wealth building:

Equity Appreciation: One of the primary ways homeowners build wealth is through equity appreciation. Over time, real estate tends to appreciate in value, which means that your home can become more valuable than when you initially purchased it. This appreciation builds equity, which is the difference between your home's market value and the amount you owe on your mortgage. As your equity grows, so does your net worth.

Forced Savings: Owning a home is a form of forced savings. With each mortgage payment you make, you are building equity and increasing your ownership stake in the property. Unlike renting, where your monthly payments go towards the landlord's investment, homeownership allows you to build wealth in the form of home equity.

Mortgage Paydown: Another way homeowners build wealth is through mortgage paydown. As you consistently make mortgage payments, a portion of each payment goes towards reducing the principal balance owed on the loan. Over time, this reduces your debt and increases your equity in the property.

Leverage: Real estate allows homeowners to leverage their investment. By putting a relatively small down payment, typically 20% of the purchase price, you can control and benefit from the full value of the property. If the property appreciates, your return on investment is based on the total value of the property, not just your initial down payment.

Home Improvements: Making strategic home improvements can also contribute to wealth building. Well-planned renovations and upgrades can increase your home's value, allowing you to capture additional equity when you decide to sell.

Stability and Generational Wealth: Homeownership provides stability and the opportunity to create generational wealth. By owning your home, you have control over your living situation, and you are not subject to rent increases or the risk of eviction. Additionally, homeownership allows you to pass down the property to future generations, providing a valuable asset that can continue to appreciate over time.

Investing in homeownership is a long-term financial commitment, and it's important to consider various factors such as market conditions and personal financial goals. However, for many individuals, owning a home can be a significant step towards building wealth and achieving financial security.


Sellers: Don't Let These Two Things Hold You Back

When it comes to selling a home, it's natural to have some concerns or hesitations. However, it's crucial not to let these things hold you back from taking advantage of a potentially profitable opportunity. In this blog post, we'll discuss two common concerns for sellers and provide insights on how to overcome them.

Fear of Market Conditions: One common concern for sellers is the fear of market conditions. You might worry that it's not the right time to sell, or you might be uncertain about the demand for your particular property. While market conditions do play a role, it's important to remember that there are always buyers in the market, regardless of the overall conditions. Instead of focusing on the broader market, consult with a real estate professional who can provide insights into the local market conditions and guide you on the best strategy for selling your home.

Emotional Attachment to the Home: Another obstacle for sellers is the emotional attachment to their home. It's natural to have sentimental value attached to the place where you've created memories and built a life. However, it's essential to separate emotions from the selling process. Remember that selling a home is a business transaction, and your goal is to achieve the best possible outcome. To overcome this hurdle, focus on the future and the opportunities that await you in your next chapter. Keep in mind that by selling your home, you're opening doors to new experiences and possibilities.

Tips to Overcome These Concerns:

Educate Yourself: Research the local market conditions, recent sales in your area, and consult with a real estate agent who can provide you with accurate information and data-driven insights.

Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that the real estate market fluctuates, and the selling process can take time. Set realistic expectations in terms of pricing, timeline, and the overall selling experience.

Work with a Professional: Hire a reputable real estate agent who has experience in your local market. They can provide guidance, market your home effectively, negotiate on your behalf, and help you navigate any obstacles that may arise.

Depersonalize and Stage: To overcome emotional attachment, consider depersonalizing your home by removing personal items and photographs. Additionally, stage your home to showcase its potential and appeal to a wide range of buyers.

Bottom Line
Don't let fear of market conditions or emotional attachment hold you back from selling your home. By understanding the local market, setting realistic expectations, working with a professional, and depersonalizing your space, you can overcome these concerns and take advantage of the opportunities that selling your home can bring.

Remember, selling a home is a strategic decision that can lead to new beginnings and exciting possibilities. Have questions? I'm happy to help!



Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies

There is nothing yummier than sugar cookies!
They're easy to make, delicious, and perfect for any and every holiday. Share these with your loved ones on Valentine's Day, and you're sure to get lots of smiles and hugs.
What you need:
1 1/2 cups (375 mL) butter, softened
2 cups (500 ml) Granulated Sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla extract
5 cups (1.25 L) all-purpose flour
2 tsp (10 mL) baking powder
1 tsp (5 mL) salt
1 batch of Royal Icing
Food colouring
Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies
How to prepare:
1. In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until smooth.
2. Beat in eggs and vanilla.
3. In a separate bowl combine flour, baking powder, and salt.
4. Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture and mix until combined.
5. Divide dough into quarters, form each quarter into a disk, wrap in plastic, and chill dough for at least one hour (or overnight).
6. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).7. Roll out dough on floured surface 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6-8 mm) thick.
7. Roll out dough on floured surface 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6-8 mm) thick.
8. Cut into shapes with a heart-shaped cookie cutter. Place cookies on parchment lined cookie sheets.
9. Bake 10 - 12 minutes in preheated oven. Cool completely.
10. Make up a batch of royal icing, pick your icing colours, and divide the icing into as many bowls as colours. Stir in the colouring to each bowl until you've achieved your desired colour.
11. Decorate your cookies with the royal icing. Be creative and have fun!


What to do When Your Offer is Not Accepted

When your offer is not accepted, it can feel disappointing, but don't let it discourage you! Here are some steps you can take:

Stay positive: Remember that not every offer will be accepted, and it's a normal part of the real estate process. Keep a positive mindset and stay motivated.

Request feedback: Reach out to the listing agent to kindly ask for feedback on why your offer wasn't accepted. This information can help you improve future offers and understand any specific concerns or preferences the seller had.

Analyze the market: Take a closer look at the current market conditions and comparable sales in the area. This analysis can help you evaluate if your offer was competitive or if you need to adjust your strategy for future offers.

Review your offer: Assess your offer to see if there are any areas that could be improved. Consider factors such as the purchase price, contingencies, closing timeline, or any other terms that may have influenced the seller's decision.

Stay in touch: If you're still interested in the property, let the seller's agent know that you're open to backup offers. Sometimes, the initial offer may fall through, and you could have another opportunity.

Keep searching: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Continue exploring other properties on the market that meet your criteria. Another great opportunity may be just around the corner.

Rely on your real estate agent: Lean on your trusted real estate agent for guidance and support. They can provide valuable insight, help you refine your strategy, and assist you in finding the right property.

Remember, the real estate market is dynamic, and offers can be accepted or rejected for various reasons. Stay resilient, learn from each experience, and stay focused on finding the perfect home for you. Good luck!


How Buying a Multi-Generational Home Helps with Affordability Today

Buying a multi-generational home can be a smart strategy to enhance affordability in today's housing market. Here are a few ways purchasing a multi-generational home can help with affordability:

Shared Mortgage Payments: By pooling financial resources with multiple family members or generations, you can split the mortgage payments, making homeownership more affordable for everyone involved. This arrangement allows you to leverage the combined income and creditworthiness of multiple individuals to qualify for a larger loan or better interest rates.

Shared Living Expenses: Multi-generational homes often feature separate living spaces or additional bedrooms and bathrooms, allowing each generation to have their own private space while sharing common areas. By sharing living expenses such as utilities, maintenance costs, and even groceries, the financial burden is distributed among multiple family members, reducing individual financial strain.

Increased Rental Income: In some cases, multi-generational homes may have separate living areas with private entrances that can be rented out to generate additional income. This rental income can help offset mortgage payments, making homeownership more affordable or even profitable.

Long-term Cost Savings: Multi-generational homes offer the potential for long-term cost savings. With multiple generations living under one roof, you can collectively save on expenses like childcare, eldercare, or even commuting costs. For example, grandparents can help with childcare, reducing the need for expensive daycare services. Similarly, adult children can contribute to caregiving for elderly parents, potentially reducing the need for costly assisted living facilities.

Future Flexibility: Multi-generational homes provide flexibility for changing family dynamics and evolving financial situations. As family needs change over time, the home can be adapted to accommodate different living arrangements. For instance, if adult children move out, their living space can be converted into a rental unit or repurposed for other family members.

It's important to consider the specific needs and dynamics of your family when exploring multi-generational homeownership. Additionally, consult with a real estate professional who can guide you through the process and help you find a home that suits your budget and lifestyle.


The Importance of Roof Maintenance:

Tips for Homeowners

The roof is one of the most critical components of a home, providing protection from the elements and maintaining structural integrity. Regular roof maintenance is essential to prolong its lifespan and prevent costly repairs. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of roof maintenance and provide helpful tips for homeowners to keep their roofs in optimal condition.

Regular Inspections: Performing regular roof inspections is crucial to identify any signs of damage or wear. Inspect for missing or damaged shingles, cracked flashing, sagging areas, or signs of water leakage. Schedule professional inspections at least once a year, especially after severe weather events, to catch potential issues early.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water buildup on the roof, causing damage to the shingles and potential leaks. Regularly clean out debris from gutters and ensure downspouts are properly directing water away from the foundation. Consider installing gutter guards to prevent debris buildup.

Trim Overhanging Trees: Overhanging tree branches can scrape against the roof, causing damage to shingles and creating entry points for pests. Trim back any branches that are in close proximity to the roof to prevent potential damage and maintain proper airflow.

Address Roof Leaks Promptly: If you notice any signs of water leakage, such as water stains on the ceiling or damp spots in the attic, address the issue promptly. Roof leaks can lead to significant damage, including mold growth and compromised structural integrity. Contact a professional roofer to assess and repair the source of the leak.

Maintain Proper Attic Ventilation: Proper attic ventilation is crucial for preventing excess heat and moisture buildup, which can damage the roof structure and shingles. Ensure that attic vents are clear of obstructions and consider installing additional vents if needed. Consult with a professional to assess your attic ventilation needs.

Prevent Ice Dams: In colder climates, ice dams can form on the roof edges, leading to water penetration and damage. Proper insulation and ventilation in the attic can help prevent ice dams. Additionally, safely remove accumulated snow from the roof to minimize the risk of ice dam formation.

Hire Professional Roofers: For major repairs or roof replacements, it's essential to hire professional roofers with expertise in the specific type of roofing material. They can ensure proper installation and provide guidance on maintenance practices to prolong the roof's lifespan.

Bottom Line
Regular roof maintenance is crucial for protecting your home and preserving its value. By following these tips and investing in regular inspections and repairs, homeowners can extend the lifespan of their roofs and minimize the risk of costly damage. Remember, when in doubt, consult with a professional roofer to ensure proper care and maintenance of your roof.


Causes of Buyer's Remorse After Buying a House

Buyer's remorse, a feeling of regret or doubt after making a significant purchase, can sometimes occur after buying a house. Here are some common causes of buyer's remorse in the context of homeownership:

Financial strain: One of the main causes of buyer's remorse is financial stress. If the cost of homeownership, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance, is higher than anticipated, it can lead to regret. It's important to carefully consider your budget and future expenses before purchasing a home to ensure you can comfortably afford it.

Unexpected repairs or maintenance: Sometimes, after moving into a new home, unexpected repairs or maintenance issues arise. These unforeseen expenses can lead to regret if they strain your budget or require significant time and effort. Conducting thorough inspections and getting a home warranty can help mitigate this risk.

Unrealistic expectations: Buyer's remorse can occur when the reality of homeownership doesn't meet your expectations. Whether it's the size of the property, the neighborhood, or the condition of the home, it's essential to have realistic expectations and conduct thorough research before making a purchase.

Emotional decision-making: Making a home purchase based primarily on emotions, such as falling in love with the aesthetics or feeling pressured to buy, can lead to regret later on. It's important to balance emotions with rational decision-making and consider practical factors such as location, future needs, and resale potential.

Buyer's market changes: Market conditions can impact buyer's remorse. If housing prices decline shortly after purchasing, buyers may feel regret about not waiting or negotiating a better deal. However, it's important to remember that real estate is a long-term investment, and market fluctuations are normal.

Relationship changes or lifestyle shifts: Changes in personal circumstances, such as a job loss, divorce, or a desire to relocate, can lead to buyer's remorse. Life changes can impact the suitability of a home and cause regret if it no longer aligns with your needs or goals.

To minimize the risk of buyer's remorse, take your time during the home buying process. Conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and consider all aspects of homeownership. It's also advisable to work with a reputable real estate agent who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions.
If you have any questions regarding any of the information, please feel free to contact me anytime.



HGTV Think These Will Be the Biggest Home Decor Trends in 2024

5 Trends to Watch

With the start of a fresh new year, it’s time to think about what trends will influence home decor in 2024. What will make your new home cozy or your current home stand out in a sale.

All trends lean toward bursts of colour with vibrant furniture and art. Sustainable furniture options are also trending with people turning towards stylish eco-friendly decor. The year 2024 is all about being bold while keeping our beloved planet at the forefront of all design choices.

Trends to Watch

  1. Patterned Quilts -  cottage-core aesthetic is in. Think cozy charm and comfort.
  2. Flower Market Prints - minimalist prints, often featuring the names of various cities, they serve as an accessible form of personalized art. 
  3. Textured Stone - if you are planning a renovation, opt for more eclectic-looking textured stone and marble finishes with deeply-coloured veins for countertops, backsplashes and even tabletops.
  4. Modular Sofas - used like building blocks for your living space, you can choose the configuration that's right for your needs.
  5. Blue Everything - people are moving away from the idea of a completely neutral home, and there is going to be a growing preference for incorporating richer, bolder tones - blues, in particular, are being preferred as the colour pallet to work from.